Monday, December 5, 2011

Angel Levine w/adjectival clauses, wk. 10

 " But Bella's was bursting with strains of blues. Through the window Manischewitz recognized the dancing crowd and among them sought Levine. "..." Levine had shed his old clothes, wore a shiny new checkered suit, pearl gray derby, cigar, and big two-toned button shoes. To the tailor's dismay, a drunken gaze had settled upon Levine's formerly dignified face.
                                                                ~ from Angel Levine, by Bernard Malamud

What!? The angel isn't an angel! I believe this piece to be the climax of the story. It is where the main character discovers that this man whom he thought was an angel sent from God isn't in fact and angel, which is absurd to him - how could he not be one? The tailor had prayed for... a deliverer of sorts, and he ended up with Levine, who was just beginning to warm up to the role of being this angel figure, sent to answer all of the tailor's prayers. Then he discovers Levine, possibly drunk, in a bar with a bunch of other men. (with a lady on his lap, and a cigar in his mouth) This just can't be! I like the emotion of this particular part of the story. 

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